Maple Syrup Study Finished

Maple Sap Bucket

We started a maple syrup unit in March with a field trip to a local farm on Maine Maple Sunday.  We worked on this unit for two months, partly because there was a lot involved in the study, and partly because we had a lot of activities and other schoolwork going on.  It was an educational (and tasty!) study.  You can read all about our Maple Syrup Unit on our Unit Studies page, where you’ll find the resources I used and pictures of our completed lapbooks.

We celebrated finishing this week by making Sugar-on-Snow.  We felt a bit like Laura Ingalls (well, other than using crushed ice from our ice maker instead of snow from outside)!  We used a recipe from The Maple Syrup Cookbook by Ken Haedrich, except I did a smaller batch of it in the interest of healthy eating and low dental bills.  It got a big thumbs-up from my kids.  Possibly because their teeth were stuck together so they couldn’t actually say anything.


We had been working on this study for so long that we were a little sad to finish it.  We enjoyed everything from the field trip to the sugarshack, cooking with maple syrup, and learning all about the science and history of maple tapping.  The lapbooks turned out beautifully, and we’ll never pour syrup over our morning pancakes without thinking about all we learned!

Hi, I'm Heidi and I homeschool my two sweet kids. I want them to know that learning is an exciting lifelong adventure! We love great books, unit studies, notebooking, lapbooking, and hands-on learning.

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