Recent Homeschool Reviews
You know I write reviews for The Curriculum Choice, right? I forget to pop in here and update when I have a new review up over there. My most recent review is about one of the hits for our family this year, and I wanted to let you know about it so you can check it out. Have you ever heard of Scratch, a terrific and FREE way to introduce your children to computer programming?
While I’m at it, here are a few others I’ve done this year:
- Snap Circuits is a great tool for hands-on education about electricity
- New to us this year are Latin curricula from Classical Academic Press, and I’ve been extremely pleased with the materials for my eight- and eleven-year-old: Song School Latin and Latin For Children.
- A few great books I’ve used and reviewed this year are The Kids’ Book of Weather Forecasting (education and inspiration for junior meteorologists), The Story of the Orchestra (learn about composers and the instruments of the orchestra) and Storybook Art (art projects inspired by picture books).
By the way, while you’re over at The Curriculum Choice make sure you subscribe! It is one of my favorite blogs to read (and was even before I was one of the contributors). I adore my fellow authors at TCC: sweet women like Trisha of Hodgepodge, Barb of Harmony Fine Arts, and Cindy of Our Journey Westward. Reading their review posts is like sitting down to coffee with an experienced homeschool mom and having her share a favorite product that she uses in her home.
Care to keep up to date on the products we’ve tried and resources we’ve fallen in love with?
- Check out my Reviews and Resources page on the blog, where I keep links to all my reviews published here and on The Curriculum Choice as well as the extra special resources that have helped me in my homeschooling endeavors.
- You can also find those and all my reviews in one place on My Homeschool Reviews Pinterest Board.